Lucy Morante Ex Moglie Di Renato Zero

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Lucy Morante Ex Moglie Di Renato Zero – Renato Zero ‘s love life has always been shrouded in an aura of mystery. The Roman singer-songwriter has always been very reserved about his private sphere, preferring not to give the details of his love stories to the newspapers and the public.

Precisely this reserve of his meant that throughout his career rumors regarding his sexual orientation spread. The singer-songwriter , in fact, has been an icon of the gay world for years and on more than one occasion he has been asked to come out. Renato Zero loved only one woman Lucy Morante.

Lucy Morante, who is Renato Zero’s ex-wife

Renato Zero and Lucy Morante met in the 1970s, when they were both pursuing musical careers. Lucy, in fact, tried to break into the world of music, but later realized that it wasn’t a profession suited to her and gave up continuing. During the period in which she lived with Renato she became her manager, without ever interposing herself between her partner and her notoriety. In fact, Lucy remained in the shadows, without the ambition of living off reflected glory.

How the love story was born

A single woman in Renato Zero’s life and a relationship that surprised all the singer-songwriter’s fans in the 70s. Hosted by his great friend Mara Venier, Renato spoke about Lucy Morante, his first and only wife. Sister of the guitarist Massimo Morante , she appeared in the singer’s life during his moment of greatest success: “I had only made three records, three albums, then I showed up in these places like the Baccarat in Lugo di Romagna, the Dietro, the Patio, all these huge nightclubs where I worked.

Who is Renato Zero’s ex-wife, Lucy Morante

Renato Zero had only one love, and it was Lucy Morante , many consider her his ex-wife but, in reality, neither of them has ever confirmed that their relationship resulted in marriage. In addition to Morante, the singer was also officially linked to Enrica Bonaccorti, a love story that began when the two were in their early twenties.

Renato Zero’s love life has always been a big question mark, the singer, given the numerous speculations about his sexual orientation , in an interview with the weekly Diva e Donna in 2010 said: “They ask me to come out, but why do I have to accept the idea of ​​being homosexual when I know that I have loved and continue to love women? ” and then adding “ If a man came along and caused me a terrible trauma, I don’t see what would be wrong with being with him ”.

Renato Zero and Lucy Morante started dating in the early seventies, she is the sister of Massimo Morante , a very well-known name in the world of music. The woman’s brother, in fact, is the founding guitarist of Goblin, the group that wrote the soundtracks of the films Profondo Rosso and Suspiria by Dario Argento.

Renato spoke about the woman of his life during an interview with Domenica In, the singer revealed that at the beginning of his career Morante was always close to him “I had only made three albums. I went to sing in big discos. Only me against a thousand people who were under the stage. And there was Lucy outside selling my stereo cassettes .”Nel 2010, Renato Zero ha pubblicato l’album Segreto Amore, una raccolta di canzoni. L’album prende il nome dal brano inedito, scritto appositamente per Lucy Morante.

Il tempo li ha allontanati, ma se la donna tornasse alla sua vita, ha detto il cantante, “non avrei nemmeno bisogno di dirle che era piegata e stupida”.– perché con Lucy non ho mai davvero rotto. Lei è sempre stata parte della mia vita: l’esperienza più bella. Quando le cose non si rompono, non è necessario aggiustarle.

Semplicemente, ti ritrovi, e ti riconosci. Alla fine, la vita ti riporta al punto di partenza. Il libertinaggio non ti interessa più. Capisci che anche i difetti della donna amata erano belli, ti accorgi di amare pure quelli, e accetti di tornare da loro”, Renato Zero told Corriere della Sera .

Lucy Morante Ex Moglie Di Renato Zero

I find Lucy Morante very intriguing. There’s something about her that draws me in and I can’t help but be interested in everything she does. If we think about it, we know every detail of Renato Zero’s career, the words of his songs and, for the most fond of us, the dates of his concerts. However, we don’t know much about his private life, because he always wanted to keep every detail in the dark.

The public was bewitched by her, not only for her extreme beauty, but also for the way she managed her and Zero’s private life. We know that she is the sister of Massimo Morante, the guitarist of Goblin, and that she met the singer in the seventies. What united them was a passion for music.

In the life of Renato Zero there was a great love, which corresponds to the name of Lucy Morante. A woman who has always fascinated the general public also due to the extreme confidentiality surrounding Renato Zero’s private life, about which we know very little.

In fact, not much has ever been known about the singer’s sentimental sphere, so much so that there has also been a lot of talk about her sexual orientation. Renato Zero has in fact always been an icon of the gay world, a great defender of rights and of the homosexual community and many thought that he too was gay, but in reality the singer’s great love was a woman: precisely , Lucy Morante.

In his youth Renato Zero was married to Lucy Morante, the sister of Massimo, guitarist of Goblin. It wasn’t the singer’s only relationship, who after the separation with Lucy also had an affair with the radio speaker Enrica Bonaccorti, but Lucy remains the great love of Renato Zero’s life.

Lucy Morante Ex Moglie Di Renato Zero
Lucy Morante Ex Moglie Di Renato Zero

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